Justin Bieber has made it clear that he's a Floyd Mayweather fan, but when he Instagrammed two Photoshopped images poking fun at Manny Pacquiao, some of his followers thought he went too far.
Bieber posted an image of Pacquiao lying face down on the canvas -- after Juan Manuel Marquez knocked him out earlier this month -- with an image of Simba from "The Lion King" reaching for him. Bieber captioned the photo "Dad wake up," referencing the scene from the movie when Simba found his father dead.
The other image shows Pacquiao leaning against the ropes, with an image of Michael Jackson in a similar pose. Bieber wrote: "Pacquiao doing the lean with MJ .. Classic moment."
Some members of the Philippines Congress weren't amused and threatened to make Bieber a “persona non grata” unless he apologized.
Seven legislators issued a statement, which read, in part:
"Mr. Bieber should have known that the Hon. Pacquiao has reached his stature as such as a result of sheer hard work, determination and firm belief in God, and despite such stature best exemplifies humility and grace even in defeat."
The 18-year-old Bieber, who has 30 million followers on Twitter and 4.5 million on Instagram, didn't seem too sorry for his posts.
He Instagrammed a screenshot of some of the angry responses that he received from his followers over the Pacquiao memes, including one which read: "JB hope you feel proud cause you just lost your fans who like MANNY PACQUIAO but even though you like Mayweather posting these pics are just LOW even for a girl like you."
On that post, Bieber wrote: "If they were beliebers I know they wouldn't leave my side over an Boxing opinion I have."