According to Gossip Cop, the Daily News didn't include the weed allegation in its print edition, just online — and later on Monday, the weed quoted was removed from there as well. A source at Def Jam Records, who called the Daily News story “funny,” told Gossip Cop, "We wish our other acts were like Justin and worked hard."
Original story:
Behold the perils of the child star? Justin Bieber has been rich, famous and idolized by millions since he was a young teen. He’s still only 18, but insiders told the New York Daily News’ Confidenti@l that Justin’s behavior of late could damage his reputation.
“Justin doesn’t seem to care and does whatever he wants,” a source told the Daily News. Another insider said, “He smokes weed all day, from the time he gets up, and orders everybody around. He’s surrounded by hangers-on who say ‘yes’ to anything he wants. There’s no supervision.”
As another source put it, “Justin is someone young teens look up to and this kind of behavior can really hurt his career. Just look at what happened with Britney Spears.” Yeah, but if Justin shaves his head or heads to Vegas for a quickie wedding, people probably won’t think it’s a meltdown. They might like it.
If this is true, do you think it’s just normal rebellious teen behavior or a sign that he’s going too far down the spoiled brat road? Everyone needs someone in their life to keep them in line. And if he’s this way at 18, what’s he going to be like 20 or 30 years from now?