Ever since Angus T. Jones went on a You Tube rampage about Two and a Half Men, rumors have gone around that Miley Cyrus will be replacing his character on the show.
As much as we'd love for that rumor to be true (even though we dig Angus!), it's not.
According to AccessHollywood.com, a source says that Miley will not be replacing him on the hit sitcom.
That doesn't mean Miley won't be returning to the show though! The two episodes she appeared on raked in the show's highest ratings of the season.
Miley even told Entertainment Tonight that she'd love to come back again.
"I hope at some point I could come back and do this because it's been a really good time. So I think it's a really fun episode, and it sets up, if I ever wanted to come back here again, it would just set it up so nice," she said.
We'd love to see more of Miley on Two and a Half Men, wouldn't you? We doubt she'll have the time soon though...she has music to finish up and a wedding to plan people!