Looking forward to seeing the music video for One Direction's latest single, "Kiss You"?
Well, you may have to wait for the official video, but at least the 1D guys did these fun "Kiss You" videos to hold fans over!
Check out the videos of One Direction performing "Kiss You" in these TalkTalk commercials that aired on The X Factor U.K.
The little teasers are hilarious, featuring each of the boys' heads in a TV screen over the body of someone dancing.
As for the real "Kiss You" video, Zayn recently told MTV.com, "I think the whole concept behind the video is bigger than anything we've done before. It's a whole idea and it's kind of structured, which is a little bit different than what we've done before in like a comedy way. It's really funny. We are just having fun."
Liam added, "There were proper sets and everything for this video, and there was a lot of hard work that went into it with the crew and everything."
We can't wait!