It is often derided as the sissies' version of baseball.
But that did not stop Jonas Brothers Nick and Kevin reuniting to enjoy a game of softball in New York today.
The pair looked like they were having a great time as they joined forces to play for the How To Succeed team, who wore World Wide Wickets uniforms, as part of the Broadway Softball League.
Going by their outfits, they certainty appeared to be taking things seriously in Central Park.

Nick in particular looked like he had just stepped out of the big leagues in his baseball cap, shirt, and trousers.
His big brother Kevin, 24, went for a more hobbyist look by donning a pair of black shorts.
The elitist league, which only features members of Broadway and Off Broadway shows and their chums, seemed easy pickings for the brothers, who both hit winning strikes.
Stars such as This Is Spinal Tap's Michael McKean and Glenn Close have taken part in the popular competition.
Nick showed he is a bit of an all rounder after displaying skill at bat and in the field.
Kevin would no doubt argue he is the superior player however, as he enthusiastically pitched underarm, as well as stepping up to the plate.
Whoever was better though, they appeared to give the match their all.
And they certainly looked excited at the end of the game, giving each other a playful high five before prancing off the field.
Both brothers were named the game's most valuable player, as they easily romped home against the combined Nice Work If You Can Get It/Anything Goes team.
Nick is currently winning rave reviews for his performances in How To Succeed, and he was successful again after asking Kevin to beef up the team with a special appearance.