As the One Direction boys continue to take the world by storm, continuing their US tour - they're understandably getting more and more homesick. However, with homesickness comes rather demanding backstage requests it seems, as boyband member Niall Horan has caused problems by demanding 'Irish sausages.'
The boys could do with some good 'ol British grub to get them through their hectic tour schedule, however according to The Sun, promoters are really struggling to come up with the goods in the US.
Cutie Niall Horan is said to be extremely particular about his sausage and he is quoted as saying: “I want Irish sausages if I can get hold of them as they are the best in the world. I love an English breakfast tea with three sugars before a show, too.”
Fellow band member Liam Payne is also a big tea drinker apparently and he prefers a Yorkshire tea over any fancy American brew. Ohhh dear!
The source insists that the boys aren't divas, but they're just desperate for some home comforts. N'awwww.
Meanwhile, the heart-throbs can't always get their own way as they found out when they hit Las Vegas this week when they were thrown out of Las Vegas casinos.
The band, all under 21, were chucked out of a number of Las Vegas casinos for being underage – no wild Hangover style parties for them then.
No sausages, tea or casinos boys. How on earth will you cope?