Due to Niall Horan being an innocent little soul, there are very few girls who actually know what it’s like to date the One Direction singer. Luckily ex-girlfriend, Holly Scally doesn’t mind spilling the beans and she’s got nothing but awesomeness to say about Nialler.
Speaking to Now magazine, Holly, who met Niall at a school disco revealed that the blondy was dead romantic.
“He was lovely – funny, cheeky and kind. He was also very affectionate – we always called each other ‘babe’ and he’d always end his texts with a kiss. It was all very innocent but he was very good kisser!”
Holly also revealed how being broke didn’t stop Niall treating her like a princess.
“We didn’t have much cash. On one date Niall took me to Roma Cafe in Mullingar for some chips which probably only cost about two Euros (£1.60).
“Even back then I knew he’d go far, he was always singing and playing his guitar and he was really good. He used to sing me songs he’d written or covers, like Justin Bieber’s Baby or Jason Mraz’s I’m Yours. Once he paid 15 Euros (£12) to hire a boat and rowed me across a lake while singing to me.”
A man who can row and sing at the same time? Bloody hell, that's the stuff dating websites' dreams are made of.