Has anyone else noticed that Niall Horan likes to let us know quite often that he’s ‘chilling’ on Twitter? Before a concert, after a concert, waiting at an airport, it doesn’t really matter to Niall. He’ll just let us know he’s chilling, which is good.
Except he normally misses off the ‘g’ on the end, so he’s just ‘chillin’ which we’ve heard is slightly different.
Anyway, we have now found out what Niall means when he says he’s ‘chillin’ before a gig..

What else could he mean other than sitting on Josh Devine’s shoulders and trying to shoot some hoops.
Well, it actually looks like Niall and Josh are practicing some sort of double act – do they have some circus skills that we don’t know about?
Liam Payne decided to enjoy Niall and Josh’s antics from a distance it seems, as he looked out the window at the two mucking about.
Daddy Directioner didn’t look very impressed to be honest.
These photgraphs were taken in Toronto ahead of their second night on their tour there. Chillin' looks pretty fun actually, we may try it Niall and Josh style soon.
Why not click next for more chilling?
We don't want to make too big a deal of what's on the next page, but WE ABSOLUTELY PROMISE YOU REALLY SHOULD TAKE A LOOK, because there may be something awesome waiting for you.

As if those other two photographs weren’t enough for you, there obviously came a moment in Niall’s chillin’ when he got a little hot (so technically he was hotting then?) so he decided TO TAKE HIS TOP OFF.
This was obviously to make up for the fact that the camera ‘just missed him’ taking his top off in the What Makes You Beautiful video, or whatever his excuse was.
Oh, and Olly even came to check out what was happening. (Or came to check out Niall, whichever works for you)
After their sightseeing the day before, we thought One Direction would have been too tired to do anything before a gig, but it would turn out that their energy knows no bounds.
Well, Niall’s certainly doesn’t anyway.