We usually ignore celebrity relationship rumours without some good solid pictorial proof, but the whisperings about One Direction's Niall Horan and US X Factor judge Demi Lovato are, well, getting pretty deafening - and there does seem to be a smidgen of proof to them.
It all started when Demi's back up singer Shari Short tweeted Niall, "@NiallOfficial it was nice to meet you over Skype with @ddlovato are you going to come to one of our shows in the US this Summer?"
Ooh! Skyping, eh? So you're talking and flirting over the internet, are you? INTERESTING.
'Niall and Demi' started trending almost straight away with everyone getting very excited. Twitter loves a good romance.
And then some investigative genius found an interview Demi did with We Love Pop magazine in which she mentions Niall twice . When asked who she thinks is best, One Direction or The Wanted, she replies, "One Direction all the way! I'm a huge 1D fan! I love Niall, he is sooooo cute. I hear he's really sweet and he's a cutey pie."
Then she's asked if she could snog one of 1D who would she choose: "I would snog Niall. I do have a little crush on him."
She also tweeted, "@NiallOfficial @real_liam_payne hey boys...did you know...i can speaka to the munkey....?!" which means nothing to us, but suggests they're already sharing 'in' jokes.
And then Niall was interviewed a couple of days ago by US channel 955 and was asked who his celebrity crush is and he said, without any hesitation, "Demi Lovato - she's a beautiful girl." He also said Megan Fox, but we'll ignore that for the purposes of this story.
He was then asked who he prefers out of Kim Kardashian or Demi and he said, "Demi definitely."
Watch the video below. If that isn't the look of love we'll eat our new hat.
So there you have it. Case closed, Columbo. Let's just hope Niall, 18, and Demi, 19, fall in love and get engaged a la Miley Cyrus. That would cheer us cynical souls right up as we're in a bit of a grump today.