Taylor Swift Opens Up About 'Hunger Games' Songs 'Safe & Sound' and 'Eyes Open'

Taylor Swift has contributed two songs to 'The Hunger Games' soundtrack and now she's opening up about both tunes in the latest issue of Rolling Stone.

According to the 22-year-old singer, it was a relief to put herself in Katniss Everdeen's shoes. "Slipping into her mind was such a wonderful break," Taylor says of writing from the character's point of view. "It's pretty intense writing about my own life, my own struggles. It was almost like a vacation to get to write from someone else's perspective."

Taylor's song 'Eyes Open' recently leaked, revealing a rock vibe that fans aren't used to hearing from the country star. By the same token, Tay shows off a darker, brooding side on 'Safe & Sound,' which came out of a two-hour writing session with the Civil Wars at soundtrack producer T Bone Burnett's studio last fall.

"The Civil Wars had a show that night in L.A.," Taylor adds. "So they raced right over to T Bone's house. There's so many things he could've done production-wise to make that song bigger sonically than it is, but I think that would have possibly been a mistake. For him to have left the song as a lullaby is brilliant."
