Justin Bieber Plays Facebook Game For Charity!

How COOL is this!!

You can join Justin Bieber in playing a Facebook game — all while helping kids all over the world!

The game is called WeTopia and everyday, players do the world some good by simply logging on to play…for free! WeTopia allows users to play with friends, build their own virtual village and spend money called “joy,” which helps send REAL-WORLD aid to non-profits internationally!!

Watch this video (above) of Justin introducing you to Agenor, a child in Haiti, whose orphanage benefits from the "joy" of WeTopia players!!

Check out the AMAZING things users have provided Agenor and Haiti with so far :
440,704 Hot Meals
450,547 gallons of clean water
2,149 pairs of shoes
3,268 warm coats

Building a school in Moline, Haiti

We know you are always on Facebook anyways, so why not play for a cause?!
