Miley Cyrus covers Nirvana's 'Smells Like Teen Spirit': Singer says the 1991 hit inpires her

Hasn't Kurt Cobain suffered enough?

Miley Cyrus wasn't even a thought when Nirvana released "Smells Like Teen Spirit" in 1991, but that didn't stop the Disney star from performing the iconic band's first single in-concert last week.

"For this tour, I want to be able to do the music that inspired me and made me want to be on this stage tonight," 18-year-old Cyrus, who's currently on her Gypsy Heart tour, announced to the crowd. "It's hard being on the road because you miss your family back home, and this song is something I always sing with my little brother who can't be with me on tour, so this song is also for him."

At that, Cyrus' band launched into the opening riffs of "Teen Spirit."

Dressed in a skintight black corset and pants, the teen jumped up and down onstage, danced awkwardly -- and headbanged -- as she growled the lyrics.

In March, "American Idol" contestant Casey James performed the same song, just weeks before the 17th anniversary of Cobain's suicide at the age of 27.

In a 1994 interview with Rolling Stone, Cobain said of his Top 10 hit -- about anarchism and named after the popular deodorant -- "I was trying to write the ultimate pop song."

Makes sense then that one of the ultimate pop singers is now covering it -- but do Cyrus' fans even get the point?
