Demi Lovato's Mom Shows Support With Tattoo

Demi Lovato’s mother showed her support for the teenager while she was in treatment by going under the needle to get a matching tattoo.

Demi checked into a clinic last year to deal with a number of personal issues, including an eating disorder, self-harming and bipolar disorder.

She was so overwhelmed by the support of her fans while she was in treatment, she had the words “Stay Strong” tattooed on her wrists as a permanent tribute as well as a heart inspired by her fans. The 18-year-old has now revealed her mother, Dianna, surprised her by gettng a matching heart inked herself.

In a series of posts on Twitter, Demi writes, “My mom’s #staystrong tattoo! She got one too!… My mom surprised me with it when I was in treatment because that’s how all you guys were showing support… And she wanted to show me how… proud she was of me for getting help and changing my life.. I love her so much.”

Demi’s mom isn’t the only one that got the heart tattoo as well. She followed up with a tweet saying, “OH! AND.. @m_callahan, @lisamorrisshow and @JennaSchubart got it too!!!! I love them so much!!”
