Check out the cover of the April issue of Details Magazine featuring Joe Jonas!
In the issue, Joe talks about growing up, his solo career and much more.
On growing up: “I’m growing up, the fans are growing up. I’ve gone through a lot of stuff in my life so far. There are stories I haven’t really been able to tell. When you’re writing with three people, you wind up with a sound that might be—not average—but, you know, expected.”

On being invited to perform for President Obama & Paul McCartney: “I didn’t know who to be more excited about. I heard [McCartney] told somebody, ‘I want the new Beatles to come and play for me.’”

On his solo album: “I wanted to do something you could hear in a club or something you could dance to, something that’s fun—something that’s me. I think it was definitely because I was getting older. But it was also a kind of a scary thought. ‘Cause you go, ’I don’t want to offend my brothers.’ You know?”

For even more of Joe’s interview and photos, go here and here. Be sure to pick up the April issue of Details on newsstands in NY/LA on 3/22 and nationwide on 3/29.

Also make sure you like Joe’s official facebook page. AND don’t forget about Joe’s live chat TODAY at 6pm EST/3pm PST.