It seems like Disney star Demi Lovato cannot avoid all of the negative press coverage that has been coming her way lately while she struggles with various emotional problems in rehab.
After certain pictures of the star were released recently, it has been alleged that a sex tape will follow soon.
Although it is unclear what the details of the sex tape consist of, rumors have definitely been buzzing around as to the existence of the tape itself.
One source told a media outlets that Lovato commonly films were sexual exploits and it is something that she has been doing for a while now.
The rumors are gaining more and more reputability as the public considers the pictures that were recently published of Lovato and her friends.
One of the sources who apparently worked with her on a 2009 summer tour said that the sex tape would be coming out onto the internet very shortly.
Another one of the claims made by this source is that her uncle Francisco Lovato helped her out by giving her “personal time” with various guys in her trailer so she could fool around with them.
Right now it remains unclear as to whether or not the sex tape is actually going to come out or if it exists at all, but it seems the source who told of it is credible.