A lot happened to the Jonas Brothers in 2010. Nick turned 18, Joe turned 21 and their Disney television show was cancelled. As they transition from teen idols to adult musicians, they risk slipping into obscurity, like so many other boy bands that came before them.
Famed music manager Johnny Wright offered his advice to the JoBros in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter; Wright says if they want to get taken seriously post-Disney, there are two paths they can take.
“…some do it by creating great albums that talk about topics that relate to who they are and where they are at that age, and the fans that are growing with them understand and relate to that musical journey and follow them, like Justin Timberlake,” said Wright.
Of course there's always the far more common route—turning to "the dark side of alcohol and drugs" like former Disney princesses Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan.
One thing we're sure of, the JoBros will NOT do the latter. Wright predicts we'll hear more mature, solo projects from all three of the Jonas Brothers in 2011. While we're not sure about Kevin's musical ambitions, Nick and Joe have been tweeting from their respective studios for months while they work on their new sound.
We're particularly excited to listen to Joe's solo material; we hear it's going to take his fans by surprise! Think more FutureSex/LoveSounds than Nick Jonas and the Administration. But that's just hearsay, for now.
After they finish their solo projects, Wright predicts Kevin, Joe and Nick will eventually reunite for more albums. Whose solo record are you most excited about?