Selena Gomez Continues To Drive Paparazzi Crazy

Selena Gomeaz tries not to give the paparazzi anything to talk about except her work. She tells The Mirror, "Whenever I go out of town they follow me, when I’m at home in LA sometimes they give me space. I don’t like it at all, but it comes with the job. I’m pretty boring for a teenager really."

"I just like to do normal things and I’m not into the partying scene. My job’s so crazy that in my free time I just like to stay in and watch movies."

Of course that might all change when Selena Gomez turns 21. But Selena doesn't seem like the kind of young star that will end up in rehab clinics or wearing alcohol monitoring bracelets. By the time Lindsey Lohan reached Selena's age she was already riding the road to debauchery and failure, and so far Selena has stayed out of trouble.

Selena definitely seems more grounded than other celebrities her age. "In my world there’s a lot of things available to me. But I think having some sense of authority in my life reminds me I’m just a kid."


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