Miley Cyrus Vag Scandal

Miley Cyrus vag scandal quickly spreads all over the internet after Perez Hilton twits a photograph of Miley on his twitter account that looked like she was not wearing any underwear.

Everyone is up in arms because Perez Hilton’s original tweet made it appear that Miley didn’t wear any underwear — and he had no shame in posting a picture of a 17-year-old’s “private parts”.

Miley Cyrus can almost break Emma Watson’s record for a vag flash or nipple slip this year. Watson flashed her pubic hair while celebrating her 18th birthday two years ago. So it is going to be a hard record to break.So it is going to be a hard record to break.

Twitter has been down for an hour because everyone is trying to search for “Miley Cyrus Vag”.


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