In the upcoming season of JONAS, Kevin, Joe and Nick Lucas (Jonas Brothers) have landed in Los Angeles, where they have rented a Hollywood Hills house and will experience a summer like no other when their relaxing vacation turns into three life-changing opportunities: Joe lands a prized role in a big Hollywood film, Kevin indulges his newfound passion for the movie business by shadowing a famous director, and Nick takes up surfing and feverishly works on his first passion – writing songs for the new JONAS album.
Adam will star as the brothers’ posturing neighbor, DZ. He tweeted this morning, “kicking it in malibu with the jonas brothers …and emma roberts =P”
Hmm, could Emma be guest starring as well? She is! “Just left the set of JONAS! So much fun. Kevin, Nick, and Joe are awesome,” she tweeted.
The JoBros were also spotted hiking down Runyon Canyon during some downtime
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