Liam Payne Wants to Write Songs for One Direction Guys' Solo Careers?

Liam Payne writing songs for One Direction solo careersOne Direction could be reuniting again during their 'break' - Liam Payne wants to work with all of the guys, but in a very different way. While we'd hope that would mean some Leeroy dance moves (how great would that be, honestly?)...nope, he says he wants to write songs for the guys.

During his break, Liam explained that he'd like to do some songwriting, but not for himself. He told Attitude magazine (via Digital Spy) recently: "I have written country songs. I started out doing rap songs. That's where my mind is set. A lot of people say to me, 'Oh, you'll go solo', but I haven't thought about that. If the right song comes along and I think I should sing it, then I will release it as a solo artist."

He added, "Otherwise, I'm happy being behind the scenes. When the other boys go solo I would love to write songs for them. I want to make great music that people want to listen to."

Yes Liam, you can have it all. But don't count out those dance moves either.
liam payne leeroy dance move gif

via Source