Justin Bieber Dropped Out of Jimmy Fallon's 'Tonight Show' Sketch Last Minute

Justin Bieber Dropped Out of Jimmy Fallon's 'Tonight Show' Sketch Last Minute

Jimmy Fallon takes the cover of Billboard magazine’s latest issue.

Here’s what the 40-year-old talk show host had to share with the mag:

On Justin Bieber dropping out of a sketch the day of for the Tonight Show: “It’s like, I don’t care,” Fallon says, sounding resigned. “I mean, I wish they’d told me weeks ago because today’s the day, and now we have to crunch and think of an idea to do. And I have to apologize to the crew guys who built the set and the wardrobe people and everyone. But it’s not what he does. He’s here to sing, so as long as he’s comfortable and it sounds good then we did our job. And if I talk to him and make him funny and make him look good, that’s my job. That’s all I have to do.”

On David Letterman‘s last show: “I think I saw clips. It seemed nice.”

On Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton: “We should be paying him,” he says. “But it’s interesting. He was a punchline six months ago, but something has happened — the audience has shifted. They don’t laugh at him like that anymore, so we have to find a different way for them to laugh at him. It’s like, six months ago a joke about Hillary [Clinton] moving furniture into the Oval Office would have been a slam-dunk. Now they’re not too sure — it’s not guaranteed that she’s going to the White House anymore. It’s interesting how jokes shift.”

For more from Jimmy, visit Billboard.com. Bigger cover inside…

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