Harry Styles Lookalike Alert: Does This Teen Look Like Young Harry?

harry styles lookalike stock photoThis guy's stock photo from Sweden was spotted online and a debate has been brewing. Does this teen look like a young Harry Styles?

Um. No. Let's check the similarities first. He has a face. That's it. A face that bears almost zero resemblance to Harry, tyvm, but thanks for playing along. And here's a little fetus Harry just for comparison:
harry styles fetus pic
We've seen guys who look like a combo of Liam and Zayn (genetic dream team, tbh) and even those girls who look like One Direction guys...and let's not forget the girl who looked like Harry with makeup, which was altogether spot on and slightly disturbing.

We think the people of the internet can find a better Harry doppelganger, so go forth and find us a lookalike we can get on board with.
boy looks like harry styles
(h/t Seventeen)

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