Watch This Awesome Video Mash Up of Taylor Swift's '1989' Album

Taylor SwiftWe are just as obsessed with Taylor Swift's latest album as you are, but we think we might've just found something that is almost as awesome as it is. YouTube stars Sam Tsui and Kurt Schneider just covered all 13 songs from the singer's latest masterpiece, and it's pretty much the coolest thing we've heard since the album itself.

Totally singing all of the new tunes like "Blank Space" to "Shake It Off" to "Style," the duo's mash-up is so amazing, you won't mind turning off Tay to listen. Despite what you might think, you probably haven't heard this one before, either.

Their medley runs just slightly shorter than Pentatonix's under-four-minutes album cover, which was released last month. You can watch that one here.

Watch the guys' awesome T-Swift mash up below. What do you think about their video? Which song is your favorite?

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